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2024-12-13 19:39:24

!As of 14:30 yesterday, the total net inflow of long and short funds in the two cities was 56.004 billion, including 14.509 billion in Shanghai and 41.495 billion in Shenzhen.As a result of yesterday's fall below 3450, the trend of a high fall has not ended until the close, so the most likely trend of today's market is analyzed as follows:

4. In this way, the market will see the adjustment in the short term, and the target position of the adjustment will be around 3370 points' to the 10th line;2. This reverse pumping repair trend is also a technical second confirmation of yesterday's high of 3,494 points. It will reverse pumping to the vicinity of yesterday's time-sharing down relay lower rail of 3,450 points, which is also a selling point. The heavy positions will be appropriately reduced. Of course, I don't know if it can be reversed here, but the key depends on your technical signal. If the reverse pumping strength exceeds 3,450 points and continues to pass 3,465 points, it will impact upward again, and vice versa.

2. This reverse pumping repair trend is also a technical second confirmation of yesterday's high of 3,494 points. It will reverse pumping to the vicinity of yesterday's time-sharing down relay lower rail of 3,450 points, which is also a selling point. The heavy positions will be appropriately reduced. Of course, I don't know if it can be reversed here, but the key depends on your technical signal. If the reverse pumping strength exceeds 3,450 points and continues to pass 3,465 points, it will impact upward again, and vice versa.3. Once it continues to fall down to 3,395 points, the risk point will continue to fall down once there is a 30-minute level of three sales;5. Due to the reversal trend at the daily level of the market, it will continue to hit 3509 points after short-term adjustment.

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